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Saturday, November 19, 2005

His Stuff

My other best friend Zee bought lots of stuff for Shreddy. We made him
a recliner (Zee and I, after three rounds of Brandy, swore that Shredder
is our brother and that he shall be treated like one.)

A tent. Carpet (inside the tent) and bath towels.
Toys. Bones. That so called Recliner.

While Shreddy was busy shredding the gift wraps and polyethene bags, we
pitched up his stuff. He slept in his tent yesterday night. He is already
hiding his stuff in there.

I ended up making lots of changes to the house. In order to understand
Shreddy I had to think at his "level". We taped all the running wires to the
walls. Had to make sure that he cant grab any of the stuff thats not his.
No simple task. Let me tell ya.

Yesterday two of my software friends dropped in for a friday evening party.
They were surprised to see Shredder. Initially they were excited and one of
them promised a silver dollar chain as a gift for Shreddy. With a Silver Dollar
hanging, he would rock, we thought.

But later they grew a little uncomfortable and watched me in almost disgust,
talking to Shreddy, kissing him and fondling him. Lucky for them, because I
had to sleep (pretend) next to Shreddy in his tent to put him (other wise
excited) to sleep at 12:15 in the night. By then they already left.


Anonymous said...

I take back what I said about French Bulldogs from Russia. He IS cute. (No, I'm not moving into your apartment.)

:..M..: said...

You're fondling him! That's (almost) cute.

I can't wait to see him. I like the name - Shredder. Very cool.

Anonymous said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaay cooooooooooooooooooool dude

and shredder is a good name ... reminds me of teenage mutant ninja turtles ;-)

V said...

Guess your Joie De Vivre has arrived. Small but looks energetic.

:-) said...

Leela: Bah! Stop being modest. We know you are cuter than him.

::M:: I cant wait either baby. COme lets fondle. :-)

Adi: Dude, yeah, its either shredder or spotty. :-)

Angel: I guess. Mmm..yeah its actually a lot like parenting. Kind of warm up exercise: :-)

Yo V: Viva Viva

:..M..: said...

In 2 week's time. :))